Splitflexis a porphyry clean chipping with gradation 3/6 or 2/4, which is recommended for natural stone flooring such as setts, cobbles, thick paving stones suitable for both light and heavy traffic areas.
- Easy to use, just lay it out and then proceed.
- Draining: the grouting maintains its feature despite rain or sudden downpours.
- If joints have to be draining, Splitflex drains the water thoroughly. It is thus advisable to create water collection points in the rocky soil.
- It gives the flooring a good flexibility and absorbs adjustment effects avoiding cracks or microcracks.
- No need to beat the setts the same day; possibility to work on big surfaces.
- Suitable for 2/4 joints.
Splitflex can be used individually, also in case of dampness. It just has to be laid down on the base before proceeding.