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Maltaflex is a premixed quick setting and high resistance mortar to mix only with clean water. The product will turn into a thixotropic mixture with 20 minutes setting (at +20° C) and get to its maximum resistance in one hour time. Therefore, it is the ideal solution when the surface has to bear heavy traffic soon after the application. It is highly resistant to atmospheric agents and is recommended to fix culverts and to reseal joints on driveways or pedestrian areas.


  • High compression resistance after only one hour from application.
  • 4/6 cm thickness application with only one layer.
  • Quick setting and anti-shrinkage.
  • High drying speed.

Prepare Maltaflex using 4 liters of clean water (fresh in summer) every 25 kg of premixed powder and mix slowly with a mixer until you have a smooth mixture. Apply with a spatula and proceed with the troweling as soon as the product starts hardening. Prepare only the quantity of product you will be able to use in 15 minutes time (at 20° C).

Plus de renseignements
filtre produit marque
Description: Colle bicomposant classe C2 F S1 à prise rapide pour intérieur et extérieur
Description: Colle bicomposant classe C2 T E S2 coul. gris grands épaisseurs et haute performance
Description: Colle monocomposant classe C2 T E S1 coul. gris pour intérieur et extérieur
Description: Sable au quartz 0,1/0,5
Description: Ballast concassé en porphyre 4/8
Description: Sable lavée en porphyre 0/4 cm.
Description: Ballast concassé en porphyre 2/4
Description: Liant spécifique pour réalisation de fondations
Description: Fondation à prise rapide prête à l'emploi
Description: Sable lavée en porphyre 0/4 cm.
Description: Ballast concassé en porphyre 2/4
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