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Enregistrement utilisateur

L’enregistrement est gratuit, ne vous engage pas et est nécessaire afin de pouvoir utiliser nos services et pour l’accès à la zone réservée.



Données personnelles
Société (raison sociale)
Secteur d’appartenance


Données d’accès

L'adresse email est utilisée pour les communications et comme account utilisateur pour l’accès aux services de notre site

Mot de passe
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Services et privacy 

 Par l’envoi du formulaire, vous autorisez la société Odorizzi à insérer les données reçues dans ses archives afin de fournir les services requis en conformité avec le Regolamento UE 679/2016 (information sur la privacy)

inscription (facultative) à la newsletter périodique



En cas de difficulté, ne pas hésiter à demander de l’aide à nos opérateurs.


Data processing and cookie policy

Legal information

Protection and processing of personal data in accordance with the obligations of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and EU Regulation 679/2016.


Odorizzi Soluzioni In Pietra s.r.l. - via Roma 28 - Albiano (TN) - ITALY

Processing methods

The Data Controller processes Users' Personal Data using suitable security tools to protect against the unauthorised access, distribution, modification or destruction of personal data. The processing is carried out using IT tools and/or computer telecommunications, within organisational procedures and on the basis of principles strictly related and limited to the purposes stated. In addition to the Data Controller, in certain cases other parties involved in the organisation of the site may have access to the Data (administrative, sales, legal staff and system administrators) or appointed external categories (such as third-party technical service providers, mail couriers, hosting providers, IT companies and communication agencies) which can, if necessary, be appointed by the Data Controller to handle the Personal Data. The updated list of Data Processors can be requested from the Data Controller.


Personal Data are processed at the Data Controller's operational headquarters and in any other location where those involved in the processing are to be found. For further information, please contact the Data Controller.

Data storage times

Data are processed for the time period necessary to provide the User with services, or for the time required for the purposes described in this document, and the User can always request that processing is discontinued or that data are deleted.


The cookie is permanent information stored in the user's browser (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie).

This site may need the following cookies:

OwnerTypes of collected and processed data
TitolareTechnical cookies for the functioning of the site
Google AnalyticsTechnical cookies (ANONYMIZED analytical) of third parties for the statistical analysis of site visitors
Google MapsThird party cookies for the cartographic service
YoutubeThird party cookies for the video service
FacebookThird party cookies for interaction with the social network

No other information is shared between our site and third-party services.

Document based on the provisions of General Measure of the Italian Data Protcection Authority of 8 May 2014 (https://www.garanteprivacy.it/temi/cookie).

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